Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dehydration - Do You Drink Enough Water?

This is something I want to spread awareness about. We are in the middle of a dehydration epidemic. Drinking too much coffee and carbonated drinks has almost completely destroyed our thirst reflex to the point that most people detect them as hunger messages instead! This is bad, this is really really bad.

Our bodies are over 75% water, and our brains over 90%!!

This isn't a big long do-gooder rant, but I want everybody, right now, or in the next five minutes to get up, and go drink a glass of water.

That's it. Report back after you've done that and tell me how good it felt :)


  1. A lot of people don't realize that coffee has a dehydrating effect.

  2. Drink water was the single most important thing I learned in the Army.

  3. but i love mcdonalds new mocha frappés

  4. You should also eat fruits and other foods that retain a lot of water to help hydrate your body =]

  5. I drink ton's of coffee, like 5 or 6 big and strong cup a day. How much water should I drink?

  6. Just drank 3 glasses of water and now my stomach huuurt D:

    It's proven, drinking water is bad for you. xD

  7. Drink water but don't drink too much water either. There are a lot of foods that contain water too. You need to balance it out.

  8. I like Malted water, but that glass of water I just drank was great.

  9. Always find myself drinking. I drink a ton of carbonated drinks but I'm thirsty often. I'd say I drink at least a half gallons of liquid a day. I live in a state with some of the worst water in the nation, it's never a good feeling when you drink the water here.

  10. Hey Dork.

    Go check your myspace email.

    I'm drinking a glass of water right now and eating fruit.

  11. I've been really good with drinking water, and cutting down on other types of drinks lately.

    Also, I can't help but notice the gigantic bosom to the left. Well done.

  12. I Definitely have this problem. I use to drink buckets of water everyday. Now all I drink is coffee and booze :(

  13. going to drink some right now. Just realized all i've had to drink today is a glass of Coke

  14. Water is my primary beverage! :D

  15. yeah, I have to remind myself to drink water too.

  16. Yes, I'm always drinking water... however, I'm always going pee too.

  17. Damn, I should drink more water, thanks for the advice!

  18. i used to drink so much soda, now mostly all i drink is water. you can really tell the difference in your body

  19. of course i do.. i drink about 2 liters a day!

  20. I do drink a fair bit of water daily, but probably no were near enough the recommended standard. Eeeeep.

  21. I think I'm going to take your advice. I have a problem with this, myself. Well, off to drink some water.

  22. I started drinking more water last week, and I actually feel better

  23. Most headaches are caused by dehydration. 5% water loss to be exact, 20% water loss = death.

    Do not rely on thirst as an indicator of fluid needs, body weight losses are better. For every pound of weight lost drink 16 ounces of fluid (2 cups or 500ml). Before exercising drink water to anticipate your loss of water through perspiration. Clear urine = well hydrated (except when you're taking B vitamin supplements).

  24. Thanks for the heads up, I think I'll stop with the coffee now! he he.

  25. I freaking love water and that girl in the corner

  26. I'm drinking tea right now. But a glass of water is right next to my cup of tea :) Feels good!

  27. I always forget to drink 8 glasses...maybe only 4 a day

  28. I drink 2 litres of water a day average, plus more if I've been to the gym that day.

  29. yea, sometimes i think i drink too much water. i never drink carbonated stuff or stuff with sugar in it, neither milk as just plain milk, so all i drink is water :)

  30. I DEFIANTLY don't drink enough water D:

  31. I don't drink enough, but I'm gonna try, dammit.

  32. water goood great post, keep up the good work =)

  33. I always drink water and juice I dont drink soda

  34. I've just had a carton of cranberry juice, so I think I'm fine. Cranberry juice is known to have various health benefits. These include:[1]

    * Cranberry juice contains phytochemicals, which may help prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease.[2]
    * Cranberry juice may help prevent and relieve the symptoms of urinary tract infections by primary and secondary means. The primary means works on the bacteria directly by altering the molecular structure of the fimbriae on the pathogenic strains of the bacteria that cause the infections.[3] The secondary means works indirectly on the bacteria by changing the intravesical pH (the pH of the bladder's contents) making it more acidic.
    * Cranberry juice is high in oxalate, and has been suggested to increase the risk for developing kidney stones,[4] although more recent studies have indicated it may lower the risk.[5]

  35. not only water u can drink any kind of liquid.

  36. I drank a pint of water.
    How do I feel? I need to pee...


  37. lol I'm always careful about that.

  38. I drink about 2 liters of water a day outside meals, i think i will not die dehydrateted

  39. I reckon a lot of headaches people complain about are probably caused by lack of water.

  40. water and coke are the only things for me tbh i usually only drink water if theres a bottle of it lying around and if there isnt...then i just chug a can down :p

  41. I just pounded a 16 oz glass of water! Thank you for raising my awareness.

  42. better get some water

  43. I drink Soda
    theres viatamins in that shit

  44. Supporting. Please help me back!

  45. i drink at least two bottles of water every day

  46. I drink coffee all day and all night, and for about every 2 cups of coffee I have a glass of ice-cold water. LOVE water. :D

  47. Be careful and don't drink too much water, you can get water toxicity if you do that.

  48. I weigh 230 pounds.. how much water should i drink?!

  49. recently had surgery and part of post recovery was drinking TONS of water and limit amount of soda/carbonated drinks & alcohol. It's been a pretty refreshing few weeks I must say.

  50. Supporting and following you :)

    Please help me spread some knowledge, thanks: ^^
