Sunday, September 12, 2010

PS3 Vs XBox 360

Well, which one will it be? I own a PS3 and frankly I think it SLAYS the Xbox. I AM bummed that Left 4 Dead 2 was never released on PS3 but overall I still think PS3 is the better system. The Blu Ray player is excellent not to mention it UPSCALES regular DVD's to High Definition which kicks ass.

What do you think??


  1. I think PS3 is a better system overall

  2. yeehhhh, Sony is win in general and Microsoft kinda sucks, however they did a pretty good job with windows 7 i must say... well unless ur all into macs then ur probably in ur own iBubble lolz. Damn out of oreos!!! nooo... NOOOOO!!! ahh, i like the wii better anyways

  3. Yeah, I'm definitely a Playstation man. Never played anything else, even in childhood (except for Nintendo, they are second-up-and-running for me).

  4. I have & LOVE my PS3. Just all my friends/family have 360, so I don't play online much (if at all). Wish they could integrate X-box Live & Playstation Network so you could have multiple console play online, but I doubt they would do that.

  5. I always like Playstation but when i had to choose between getting a PS3 and an Xbox360 i went with the 360 because of Left for Dead and it cost a bit less. I realy would have rather had the PS3 but i guess that will have to wait till i save up a bite more money.

  6. both. whatever game i want to play is the one i want to get. Kingdom Hearts 3 is on PS3 so I go PS3, Dead Rising 2 is X360 so I go X360. Mario, Zelda, Metroid on Wii so I go Wii. Starcraft on PC so I go PC.

  7. Don't have a PS3, but if I did own a next gen console, it would definitely be that one. It is WAY better than the xcrap.

  8. PS3. A system with potential beyond your wildest dreams.

  9. hmm...well. obviously in terms of power sony holds the upper hand here. but problem is sony doesn't seem to deliver anything that amplifies the fact that the ps3 is packing more than the 360. i mean most of the shit on the ps3 is on the 360...and 360 has Live on its side. sure you have to play but honestly you get your moneys worth. still seeing as how i got me a next console to get would be a ps3. which i don't see me doing wither way. My PC rapes in the graphics department so no point in getting the damn ps3 anywhoo...but thats my two cents.
