Saturday, September 25, 2010

Psychopath - Do You Know One?

I seriously beleive that I know a Psychopath in real life. They haven't murdered anyone (yet) but you don't have to be a murderer to be a Psychopath.

Psychopathy was first definitively described by psychiatrist Hervey M. Cleckley in 1941, who explained that it consists of specific behaviors and personality traits. In a Scientific American article, psychopaths are described as superficially charming but also self-centered, undependable, dishonest, and individuals who will sometimes do irresponsible things just because they feel like it. They are basically without feelings of guilt, love, or empathy, and thus their relationships with others are casual.

Psychopaths typically blame others for their irresponsible actions and reckless behaviors and rarely learn from their mistakes. Although about 25 percent of prison inmates meet the diagnostic criteria for psychopathy, research also indicates that “a sizable number” of psychopaths are part of the general population. Some experts have even suggested that they “may be overrepresented” in occupations such as politics and business.

Do you know a Psychopath?


  1. *Looks in Mirror*
    ..................well shit!

  2. My ex-rooomate qualifies. Decidedly.

  3. Sociopaths as well fall under this common category where we all can be partially that way.

  4. hmmm, I don't think so. Unless I just haven't noticed any of my class mates with that kind of behavior. hmmmmmm.

  5. I think I might be a psycho!! Sweet blog piece!

  6. a good friend of mine doesn't fit the model of psychopath by the definition you provided (Charming, self centered, etc) but the dude has emotional problems, a short fuse and yeah....he's kind of fucking crazy. I wouldn't be surprised if I saw him on the news one night.

  7. I have a step brother who's pretty crazy. He threatens his mum all the time, but my Dad isn't a pushover, so he kicked him out and he just lives with his Grandparent's now. He blames it on having a "hard life" growing up as his Dad died from heart problems.

  8. Never, I find the psychopathic tendencies attributed to some one without the proper paths of communication

  9. sociopathic tendencies for sure.

  10. I am Sam! No, I am Sam. I am Sam! Sam I am!

  11. I don't believe I know one. I would bet there are many online, though. I have seen some people behave really ridiculously online.

    If you know one, keep yourself from ever being alone with that person.

  12. What about Jehova, from the bible? Is it just me, or does anyone think that he meets the above mentioned criteria, or is it just me
